
Bezpečá s.r.o.
Štúrova 8
040 01 Košice

tel: +421 903 366 254

Work risks analysis

Creation of complex work risks analyse

We offer to you creation of complex work risks analyse by simple point method or complex method of the IVSS group.

We offer to you:

  • Dangers identification,
  • Hazards identification,
  • Estimation of hazards’ probability,
  • Estimation of effects’ probability,
  • Creation of non-acceptable risks list,
  • Creation of action plan for elimination or minimisation of risks,
  • Creation of non-removable risks,
  • Assurance of employees’ familiarization with risks evaluation results and performed activities,
  • Assurance of risks assessment actualization.

At the same time we offer to you creation of complex technical risks analyse of your machines and equipments by failure mode and effects analysis method (FMEA). Concrete:

  • rozdelenie strojov na logické celky a dôležité uzly,
  • Separation of the machines into logical sectors and important points,
  • Identification of possible failure modes,
  • Identification of possible effects,
  • Identification of possible root causes,
  • Valuation of risks and submission of countermeasures for their elimination or minimisation.

We perform these activities as a full service but each activity particular as well. We perform these activities on the long time experience base in the field of risk analyse.